Monday, December 28, 2009

Feeding Frenzy


For those who support Swedish law and the Pirate Bay. 

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Quiz Game - come and play!

Oh my, I don't remember exactly when I created this. It's been years, that's for sure.I've been meaning to revive it for a few Christmases now. 
I finally went down into the basement today, dusted off my old PowerMac G3!! (For those this doesn't mean anything to: pretty old Macintosh computer) and kept my fingers crossed that I could get it running.
Yay! It still works!
So, if you are game, why don't you go here to play the Very-famous-Christmas-Tree-Game! (You'll need sound.)
It's kind of cheesy, definitely gets annoying after a few minutes, and the preloader is missing (please allow approx. 10 - 30 secs for loading).  But I had tons of fun building it back then.
Happy Holidays, everybody!

Friday, December 4, 2009

I want to break free...


...from your lies
you're so self satisfied I don't need you.
- I've got to break free
God knows!
God knows I want to break free...