Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Introducing: The Cause!

This is really a sneak preview for my dearest blogger friends who have supported me for a bit over a year now. I am cooking something up! It is really not quite done yet but I do appreciate a few comments, words of wisdom or encouragement I know some of you will have for me -  even at this very early stage.

So here's what I've been up to the last few days in secrecy, hidden away from the world until it'd look good enough to share with a select few first.

My new blog: Christina's Ride to Conquer Cancer

Please stop by, take a look around and tell me what you think.
Just so you know: I haven't officially registered yet because I really want to attend the orientation session on March 15th first. I am very impatient and I can't wait to sign up and get going with the fundraising. But I am trying to pace myself as I really don't have a clue yet what I am in for. It is hard to get detailed information for some strange reason so I will just hold out for now.
My new mantra: patience is a virtue, patience is a virtue, patience is a virtue...

I haven't told anybody yet (except the Bionic Man) so this is a a debut in the true meaning of the word.