Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rejected Logo

 So there was this acquaintance of mine approaching me a little while ago.  He was really only looking for some input on a logo he was working on for his past time club. Back in Germany they have these  traditional shooting clubs. The roots go back to the early 1900s where war veterans formed aspiring civil militia groups with a certain influence on the political landscape.
Times have changed considerably since then and these shooting clubs (Schützenvereine) are considered nothing but leisurely sports clubs today.
Anyway, I offered to give him a hand with his design. I even volunteered to create a brand new logo for his club of good old boys. Haven't heard from him since my first few suggestions. It's been weeks!
For some reason I don't think his fellow club members will like my take on it very much.

So I tried to tone it down.

They are so not going to like it.

But I do!!  :-D